

Born and raised in the West Midlands of the UK I am currently working as an English teacher in Japan while I research agriculture, study Japanese and plan my future career.

As graduate of The University of Bath in Molecular Cellular Biology, I became interested in plants helping to digitalise herbarium plant records outside of classes. As well as trying my own hand at plant identification, I began to take plant-based lectures and became passionate about agriculture.

I initially wanted to continue in academia and contribute to global agriculture through research. However, I felt that without actual experience farming, it would be difficult to determine what research could make a practical difference in people’s lives.

Currently my overarching goal is to increase the amount of farming in Japan that is environmentally and economically sustainable. One of the many first steps toward that goal is this website.

In addition to being a place where I can share information on sustainable farming methods, this website additionally serves as a place to help me refine my Japanese and to showcase any work that I’ve done. If you have any questions on the content or there is something you would like me to translate between English and Japanese, please feel free to contact me.